Ganga Spa

Relaxed, Refresh, Rejuvenate


Board of Directors

Mr. R. Sreenath (Managing Director)

An young dynamic entrepreneur with various Professional degrees, hailing from a very well-known family of Sidha & Ayurveda healing tradition of Trichur, Kerala the hub of Ayurveda, decided to up keep the traditional inherited art, respect and integrity of the family by choosing the way of hospitality and the principles of Ayurveda and its applications secured from great masters and ancestors at his age of 31 engaged as the Managing Director of “ GANGA SPA” the established brand of Messrs. Ancient Healing Wellness (P) Ltd., with an ambition to promote the Concept of SPA and the Wellness Therapies in every towns, cities and metros and cosmos–cities of our country and make everyone feel “ Relax, Refresh and Rejuvenate “ by rendering the quality services to the needy.

Mr. Santosh Bhatt (Director)

Mr. Santosh Bhatt is responsible for driving the strategy and global execution of Santosh Group and Sanji Group and Various subsidiary companies. He brings over 30years of experience in e-commerce, CRM, Analytics and on-line consumer communities, Aviation and Hotel field, from a number of leading public companies. He is recognized for consistently leveraging new technologies that deliver significant business value and high-level of customer satisfaction. Most recently, He has also served as Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, where he had responsibility for global demand generation, brand leadership, and customer loyalty. Sanji Group is an international software development company based in the USA with its branches in Western Europe. Our specialists have been providing software development services for multiple clients from USA, Great Britain, and other countries, starting from small companies and continuing with very big clients, such as a well-known UK oil-mining company.